বাংলাদেশে বন্যা: গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তথ্য যা জানা উচিত Best


বাংলাদেশে বন্যা একটি নিয়মিত সমস্যা যা বিভিন্ন অঞ্চলে প্রভাব ফেলছে। এই নিবন্ধে আমি বন্যার মূল বিষয়গুলো নিয়ে আলোচনা করব এবং আপনাদের কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেব। বন্যা কি? বাংলাদেশে বন্যা বন্যা হল একটি প্রাকৃতিক ঘটনা যেখানে পানি সাধারণ জমি বা জলাভূমির বাইরে প্রবাহিত হয়। এটি সাধারণত অতিরিক্ত বৃষ্টির, অথবা সমুদ্রের উচ্চ জোয়ারের কারণে ঘটে। আমাদের … Read more

আগামীকালের আবহাওয়া কেমন থাকবে দেখতে চাই সরাসরি BEST


আসসালামু আলাইকুম সবাইকে। আগামীকালের আবহাওয়া কেমন থাকবে দেখতে চাই সরাসরি তা নিয়ে যারা সার্চ করেছেন তারা এখানে দেখে নেন আগামী কাল বাংলাদেশের আবহাওয়া কেমন থাকতে পারে।বাংলাদেশ আবহাওয়া অধিদপ্তরের দেয়া তথ্যের ভিত্তিতে আমরা বিশদ বিশ্লেষণ প্রদান করছি।   আগামীকালের আবহাওয়া কেমন থাকবে দেখতে চাই সরাসরি  বিস্তরিত আলোচনা   বাংলাদেশ আবহাওয়া অধিদপ্তর আবহাওয়া নিয়ে কিছু  ধারণা দিয়েছে আজকে। … Read more

Weather tomorrow Bangladesh August 2024 Best


Get the latest forecast for weather tomorrow Bangladesh with detailed information on temperatures, precipitation, thunderstorms, and wind conditions. Stay prepared and plan your day with our comprehensive weather tomorrow update.

Weather tomorrow Bangladesh Dhaka 22 August

Weather Forecast for Thursday, August 22

On Thursday, August 22, the day will be marked by cloudy skies with consistent periods of rain and occasional thunderstorms. The temperature is expected to reach a high of 30°C, though it will feel warmer with a RealFeel® of 37°C and a RealFeel Shade™ of 36°C. The UV Index will be moderate at 4. Winds will be gentle from the south at 9 km/h, with gusts reaching up to 26 km/h. There’s a high probability of precipitation at 92%, and a 55% chance of thunderstorms, resulting in about 9.9 mm of rain. Rainfall is expected to occur over a period of 4 hours, with complete cloud cover throughout the day.


As night falls on August 22, the weather will continue to be wet and stormy, with a low temperature of 26°C but a RealFeel® of 31°C. The wind will shift slightly to the south-southeast, maintaining a speed of 9 km/h and gusts of up to 24 km/h. The probability of precipitation will increase to 96%, with a 58% chance of thunderstorms, bringing about 11.5 mm of rain over 6 hours. The night will be mostly overcast, with a cloud cover of 99%.

Weather Details Day (8/22) Night (8/22)
Temperature 30°C 26°C
RealFeel® 37°C 31°C
RealFeel Shade™ 36°C
Condition Cloudy with periods of rain and a thunderstorm Rain and a thunderstorm
Wind S 9 km/h SSE 9 km/h
Wind Gusts 26 km/h 24 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 92% 96%
Probability of Thunderstorms 55% 58%
Precipitation 9.9 mm 11.5 mm
Rain 9.9 mm 11.5 mm
Hours of Precipitation 4 hours 6 hours
Hours of Rain 4 hours 6 hours
Cloud Cover 100% 99%



Day: Thursday, August 15
On Thursday, August 15, the day will be dominated by thick cloud cover with a couple of showers and a thunderstorm, mainly later in the day. The temperature will reach a high of 33°C, with a RealFeel® of 39°C and RealFeel Shade™ of 37°C.


The wind will blow from the SSE at 15 km/h, with gusts up to 32 km/h. There is a 78% probability of precipitation and a 47% chance of thunderstorms, leading to about 5.7 mm of rain over 2.5 hours. The cloud cover will be 100%, providing a gloomy atmosphere.


Night: Thursday, August 15
The night will remain overcast, with a thundershower affecting parts of the area. The temperature will drop to a low of 27°C, with a RealFeel® of 31°C. Winds will continue from the SSE at 11 km/h, with

gusts reaching up to 26 km/h. The chance of precipitation is 49%, with a 19% probability of thunderstorms. Rainfall will total 8.1 mm over 3.5 hours, and the sky will stay fully covered with clouds


Details Day Night
Date Thursday, August 15 Thursday, August 15
Temperature 33°C 27°C
RealFeel® 39°C 31°C
RealFeel Shade™ 37°C N/A
Weather Conditions Thick cloud cover with showers and thunderstorm later Overcast with a thundershower in parts of the area
Max UV Index 2 Low N/A
Wind SSE 15 km/h SSE 11 km/h
Wind Gusts 32 km/h 26 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 78% 49%
Probability of Thunderstorms 47% 19%
Precipitation 5.7 mm 8.1 mm
Rain 5.7 mm 8.1 mm
Hours of Precipitation 2.5 hours 3.5 hours
Hours of Rain 2.5 hours 3.5 hours
Cloud Cover 100% 100%


Weather tomorrow Bangladesh Dhaka 13 August

On 8/13, the day will be cloudy with a high of 33°C and a RealFeel® of 40°C (38°C in the shade), with thunderstorms expected in parts of the area. Winds will be from the south at 9 km/h, with gusts reaching 26 km/h. The probability of precipitation is 80%, with a 48% chance of thunderstorms, and 11.6 mm of rain over 3.5 hours. Cloud cover will be at


100%. At night, the temperature will drop to 27°C, feeling like 32°C. Expect a few thunderstorms in the evening, followed by occasional rain and another thunderstorm late. Winds will shift to the SSE at 7 km/h, with gusts up to 19 km/h. The probability of precipitation will rise to 97%, with a 58% chance of thunderstorms, 19.0 mm of rain over 5 hours. Cloud cover will remain at 100%.

Category Day Night
Date 8/13 8/13
Max Temp (°C) 33° 27°
Min Temp (°C) 27°
RealFeel® Day 40°
RealFeel Shade™ 38°
RealFeel® Night 32°
Condition (Day) Cloudy with thunderstorms in parts of the area Cloudy with thunderstorms in the evening, occasional rain and thunderstorm late
Condition (Night) Cloudy with thunderstorms in the evening, followed by occasional rain and a thunderstorm late
Wind (Day) S 9 km/h SSE 7 km/h
Wind (Night) SSE 7 km/h
Wind Gusts (Day) 26 km/h 19 km/h
Wind Gusts (Night) 19 km/h
Probability of Precipitation (Day) 80% 97%
Probability of Precipitation (Night) 97%
Probability of Thunderstorms (Day) 48% 58%
Probability of Thunderstorms (Night) 58%
Precipitation (Day) (mm) 11.6 mm 19.0 mm
Precipitation (Night) (mm) 19.0 mm
Rain (Day) (mm) 11.6 mm 19.0 mm
Rain (Night) (mm) 19.0 mm
Hours of Precipitation (Day) 3.5 5
Hours of Precipitation (Night) 5
Hours of Rain (Day) 3.5 5
Hours of Rain (Night) 5
Cloud Cover 100% 100%

Weather tomorrow Bangladesh Dhaka 11 August

On August 11th, the day will be mostly cloudy with a high of 32°C, feeling warmer with a RealFeel® of 39°C. Expect brief morning showers followed by afternoon thunderstorms. Winds will be from the SSE at 11 km/h, with gusts up to 32 km/h. Precipitation is likely, with an 89% chance, resulting in 8.7 mm of rain. The night will remain cloudy, with a low of 27°C and a RealFeel® of 33°C. A thunderstorm is possible late in the night with a 40% chance of precipitation, bringing about 0.2 mm of rain. Winds will be lighter at 9 km/h, with gusts up to 24 km/h. Cloud cover will be nearly complete, with 99% at night.

Detail Day (8/11) Night (8/11)
Temperature (Hi/Lo) 32°C 27°C
RealFeel® 39°C 33°C


RealFeel Shade™ 37°C N/A
Conditions Cloudy with morning showers, afternoon thunderstorms Cloudy with a late thunderstorm
Wind (SSE) 11 km/h 9 km/h
Wind Gusts 32 km/h 24 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 89% 40%
Probability of Thunderstorms 53% 24%
Precipitation 8.7 mm 0.2 mm
Hours of Precipitation 3.5 0.5
Hours of Rain 3.5 0.5
Cloud Cover 98% 99%
Max UV Index 3 Moderate N/A


Weather tomorrow Bangladesh Dhaka 10 August

Weather Forecast for Saturday, August 10:
The day will be partly sunny with a high of 32°C, feeling like 39°C. Expect a couple of showers mainly in the early hours, with a 69% chance of precipitation and 1.3 mm of rain. Winds will come from the SSE at 13 km/h, with gusts up to 32 km/h. The night will see increasing clouds with a few showers late, a low of 27°C, and a 67% chance of precipitation with 1.9 mm of rain. Wind speeds will drop to 9 km/h, with gusts up to 24 km/h.

Attribute Day (8/10) Night (8/10)
Temperature 32°C (Hi) 27°C (Lo)
RealFeel® 39°C 32°C
RealFeel Shade™ 37°C
Weather Conditions Sun and clouds with a couple of showers, mainly early in the day Increasing clouds with a couple of showers late
Max UV Index 11 (Extreme)
Wind SSE 13 km/h SSE 9 km/h
Wind Gusts 32 km/h 24 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 69% 67%
Probability of Thunderstorms 16% 19%
Precipitation 1.3 mm 1.9 mm
Rain 1.3 mm 1.9 mm
Hours of Precipitation 1.5 1.5
Hours of Rain 1.5 1.5
Cloud Cover 60% 91%

“How is temperature measured and calculated?”

Temperature is calculated based on the kinetic energy of molecules in a substance. The basic principle is that as molecules move faster, they generate more heat, which results in a higher temperature. Here’s a breakdown of how temperature is measured and calculated:

1. Measuring Temperature with Thermometers

  • Mercury or Alcohol Thermometers: These thermometers use a liquid (mercury or alcohol) in a glass tube. As the temperature increases, the liquid expands and rises in the tube, and the height of the liquid corresponds to the temperature.
  • Digital Thermometers: These use electronic sensors (like thermistors or thermocouples) that change their electrical resistance with temperature. The sensor’s resistance or voltage change is converted into a temperature reading using a microprocessor.
  • Infrared Thermometers: These devices measure the infrared radiation (heat) emitted by an object. The amount of infrared radiation increases with temperature, allowing the thermometer to calculate the temperature without direct contact.

2. Temperature Scales

  • Celsius (°C): Based on the freezing and boiling points of water at standard atmospheric pressure, where 0°C is the freezing point and 100°C is the boiling point.
  • Fahrenheit (°F): Another scale where water freezes at 32°F and boils at 212°F.
  • Kelvin (K): The absolute temperature scale used in scientific contexts, where 0 K represents absolute zero, the point at which molecular motion stops.

3. Thermodynamic Temperature

  • Kinetic Energy: Temperature is directly related to the average kinetic energy of molecules in a substance. In gases, the kinetic energy of the molecules is directly proportional to the temperature.
  • Boltzmann Constant: The relationship between the temperature and the kinetic energy of particles is given by the equation T=23K.E.kBT = \frac{2}{3} \frac{K.E.}{k_B}, where TT is the temperature, K.E.K.E. is the average kinetic energy of the particles, and kBk_B is the Boltzmann constant.

4. Environmental Temperature Calculation

  • Data Collection: Sensors and weather stations collect temperature data from various locations.
  • Averaging: Temperature readings from different points within a region are averaged to provide a general temperature for that area.
  • Calibration: Instruments are regularly calibrated to ensure they provide accurate readings, compensating for any factors that might affect the measurement.

5. Global and Local Weather Models

  • Atmospheric Models: Temperature predictions are made using complex atmospheric models that simulate the behavior of the atmosphere based on physical laws.
  • Data Input: Models take into account various factors like solar radiation, cloud cover, wind patterns, and topography.
  • Interpolation: Data from various points are interpolated to estimate the temperature at specific locations.

6. Scientific Calculations

  • Thermodynamic Equations: In scientific research, temperature may be calculated using thermodynamic equations that relate temperature to pressure, volume, and energy of a system.
  • Statistical Mechanics: In physics, temperature is often derived from the statistical distribution of particle velocities in a gas.

In summary, temperature calculation is a combination of physical measurement techniques and scientific modeling, all grounded in the principles of thermodynamics and kinetic theory.

Weather tomorrow| Bangladesh Dhaka 9 August

On Friday, August 9, the day will be cloudy with a high of 31°C (RealFeel® 37°C, RealFeel Shade™ 36°C) and a couple of showers and a thunderstorm, mainly early. The max UV index is 5 (Moderate). Winds will be SSE at 15 km/h with gusts up to 37 km/h. There’s a 78% chance of precipitation and a 47% chance of thunderstorms, with 4.4 mm of rain expected over 3 hours. Cloud cover will be 99%.

At night, it will be partly cloudy with a low of 27°C (RealFeel® 33°C). Winds will be SSE at 9 km/h with gusts up to 28 km/h. There’s a 25% chance of precipitation and a 6% chance of thunderstorms, with no rain expected. Cloud cover will be 99%.

Attribute Day (8/9) Night (8/9)
Temperature 31°C 27°C
RealFeel® 37°C 33°C
RealFeel Shade™ 36°C
Weather Conditions Cloudy with a couple of showers and a thunderstorm, mainly early Partly cloudy
Max UV Index 5 (Moderate)
Wind SSE 15 km/h SSE 9 km/h
Wind Gusts 37 km/h 28 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 78% 25%
Probability of Thunderstorms 47% 6%
Precipitation 4.4 mm 0.0 mm
Rain 4.4 mm 0.0 mm
Hours of Precipitation 3
Hours of Rain 3
Cloud Cover 99% 99%

Weather tomorrow| Bangladesh Dhaka 8 August

On Thursday, August 8, the day will be cloudy with a high of 32°C (RealFeel® 38°C, RealFeel Shade™ 37°C) and a couple of showers and a thunderstorm. The max UV index is 3 (Moderate). Winds will be SSE at 19 km/h with gusts up to 41 km/h. There’s an 88% chance of precipitation and a 36% chance of thunderstorms, with 8.6 mm of rain expected over 3.5 hours. Cloud cover will be 98%.

At night, it will be cloudy with a brief shower or two, with a low of 26°C (RealFeel® 31°C). Winds will be SSE at 11 km/h with gusts up to 32 km/h. There’s an 87% chance of precipitation and a 25% chance of thunderstorms, with 7.3 mm of rain expected over 3 hours. Cloud cover will be 100%.

Attribute Day (8/8) Night (8/8)
Temperature 32°C 26°C
RealFeel® 38°C 31°C
RealFeel Shade™ 37°C
Weather Conditions Cloudy with a couple of showers and a thunderstorm Cloudy with a brief shower or two
Max UV Index 3 (Moderate)
Wind SSE 19 km/h SSE 11 km/h
Wind Gusts 41 km/h 32 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 88% 87%
Probability of Thunderstorms 36% 25%
Precipitation 8.6 mm 7.3 mm
Rain 8.6 mm 7.3 mm
Hours of Precipitation 3.5 3
Hours of Rain 3.5 3
Cloud Cover 98% 100%

Weather tomorrow: Bangladesh Dhaka 7 August


Attribute Day (8/7) Night (8/7)
Temperature 32°C 27°C
RealFeel® 38°C 32°C
RealFeel Shade™ 37°C
Weather Conditions Cloudy with a couple of showers and a thunderstorm Partly cloudy in the evening; low clouds
Max UV Index 6 (High)
Wind SSE 15 km/h SE 13 km/h
Wind Gusts 37 km/h 24 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 90% 25%
Probability of Thunderstorms 54% 6%
Precipitation 12.2 mm 0.0 mm
Rain 12.2 mm 0.0 mm
Hours of Precipitation 3.5
Hours of Rain 3.5
Cloud Cover 90% 99%


Weather tomorrow| Bangladesh Dhaka 5 August

Weather Forecast for August 5

Day- Weather tomorrow

On Monday, August 5, the weather during the day will feature a thick cloud cover with showers. The high temperature will be 33°C, with a RealFeel® of 39°C and a RealFeel Shade™ of 38°C. Winds will come from the south at 7 km/h, with gusts up to 24 km/h. There is a 91% chance of precipitation and a 26% chance of thunderstorms, with expected rainfall totaling 9.9 mm over 4.5 hours. Cloud cover will be at 100%.

Night-Weather tomorrow

At night, the temperature will drop to 27°C with a RealFeel® of 32°C. The night will be overcast with a couple of thunderstorms late. Winds will come from the SSE at 7 km/h, with gusts up to 19 km/h. The probability of precipitation will be 80%, and the chance of thunderstorms will be 48%, with expected rainfall totaling 9.5 mm over 2 hours. Cloud cover will be at 100%.

Attribute Day (8/5) Night (8/5)
Temperature 33°C 27°C
RealFeel® 39°C 32°C
RealFeel Shade™ 38°C
Weather Conditions Thick cloud cover with showers Overcast with a couple of thunderstorms late
Max UV Index 3 (Moderate)
Wind S 7 km/h SSE 7 km/h
Wind Gusts 24 km/h 19 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 91% 80%
Probability of Thunderstorms 26% 48%
Precipitation 9.9 mm 9.5 mm
Rain 9.9 mm 9.5 mm
Hours of Precipitation 4.5 2
Hours of Rain 4.5 2
Cloud Cover 100% 100%


Weather tomorrow| Bangladesh Dhaka 7 August


Attribute Day (8/7) Night (8/7)
Temperature 32°C 27°C
RealFeel® 38°C 32°C
RealFeel Shade™ 37°C
Weather Conditions Cloudy with a couple of showers and a thunderstorm Partly cloudy in the evening; low clouds
Max UV Index 6 (High)
Wind SSE 15 km/h SE 13 km/h
Wind Gusts 37 km/h 24 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 90% 25%
Probability of Thunderstorms 54% 6%
Precipitation 12.2 mm 0.0 mm
Rain 12.2 mm 0.0 mm
Hours of Precipitation 3.5
Hours of Rain 3.5
Cloud Cover 90% 99%



On Sunday, August 4, the daytime weather will be cloudy with a thunderstorm in parts of the area. The high temperature will be 32°C, with a RealFeel® of 39°C and a RealFeel Shade™ of 37°C. Winds will come from the SSE at 11 km/h, with gusts up to 30 km/h. There is a 41% chance of precipitation and a 25% chance of thunderstorms, with expected rainfall totaling 2.7 mm over 2 hours. Cloud cover will be at 96%.


At night, the temperature will drop to 27°C with a RealFeel® of 32°C. The night will be partly to mostly cloudy, with winds from the south at 11 km/h and gusts up to 26 km/h. The probability of precipitation will decrease to 25%, and the chance of thunderstorms will be 6%, with no expected rainfall. Cloud cover will be at 100%.

Attribute Day (8/4) Night (8/4)
Temperature 32°C 27°C
RealFeel® 39°C 32°C
RealFeel Shade™ 37°C
Weather Conditions Cloudy with a thunderstorm Partly to mostly cloudy
Max UV Index 6 (High)
Wind SSE 11 km/h S 11 km/h
Wind Gusts 30 km/h 26 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 41% 25%
Probability of Thunderstorms 25% 6%
Precipitation 2.7 mm 0.0 mm
Rain 2.7 mm
Hours of Precipitation 2
Hours of Rain 2
Cloud Cover 96% 100%


Weather tomorrow| Bangladesh Khulna 3 August 2024

On August 3rd, the weather during the day will be mostly cloudy with showers in the morning followed by occasional showers in the afternoon. The high temperature will be 30°C, with a RealFeel® of 36°C and a RealFeel Shade™ of 35°C. The maximum UV Index will be 7, which is considered high. Winds will be from the SSE at 13 km/h, with gusts up to 37 km/h. There is a 92% chance of precipitation and a 27% chance of thunderstorms, resulting in 4.9 mm of rain over 3 hours. Cloud cover will be 85%.

Description Details
Date 8/3
Temperature (High) 30°C
RealFeel® 36°C
RealFeel Shade™ 35°C
Condition Mostly cloudy; showers in the morning, a shower in spots in the afternoon
Max UV Index 7 (High)
Wind SSE at 13 km/h
Wind Gusts 37 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 92%
Probability of Thunderstorms 27%
Precipitation 4.9 mm
Rain 4.9 mm
Hours of Precipitation 3
Hours of Rain 3
Cloud Cover 85%


On the night of August 3rd, the weather will be cloudy with showers expected late. The low temperature will be 26°C, with a RealFeel® of 31°C. Winds will be from the SSE at 9 km/h, with gusts up to 24 km/h. There is a 91% chance of precipitation and a 26% chance of thunderstorms, resulting in 5.8 mm of rain over 2 hours. Cloud cover will be 98%.

Description Details
Date 8/3
Temperature (Low) 26°C
RealFeel® 31°C
Condition Cloudy with showers late
Wind SSE at 9 km/h
Wind Gusts 24 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 91%
Probability of Thunderstorms 26%
Precipitation 5.8 mm
Rain 5.8 mm
Hours of Precipitation 2
Hours of Rain 2
Cloud Cover 98%



Weather tomorrow| Bangladesh 3 August 2024

On August 3rd, the weather is expected to be cloudy with thunderstorms. The high temperature will be 29°C, with a RealFeel® and RealFeel Shade™ of 35°C. The UV Index will be moderate at 3. Winds will be blowing from the SSE at 9 km/h, with gusts reaching 26 km/h. There is a 99% chance of precipitation and a 59% probability of thunderstorms, resulting in 31.0 mm of rain over 5 hours. Cloud cover will be at 100%.Weather tomorrow

On the night of August 3rd, the weather will be cloudy with a thunderstorm or two expected late. The low temperature will be 26°C, with a RealFeel® of 29°C. Winds will blow from the SSE at 9 km/h, with gusts reaching 26 km/h. There is a 90% chance of precipitation and a 54% probability of thunderstorms, resulting in 19.2 mm of rain over 2 hours. Cloud cover will be at 98%.

Description Day (8/3) Night (8/3)
Temperature 29°C (High) 26°C (Low)
RealFeel® 35°C 29°C
RealFeel Shade™ 35°C
Condition Cloudy with thunderstorms Cloudy with a thunderstorm or two late
Max UV Index 3 (Moderate)
Wind SSE at 9 km/h SSE at 9 km/h
Wind Gusts 26 km/h 26 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 99% 90%
Probability of Thunderstorms 59% 54%
Precipitation 31.0 mm 19.2 mm
Rain 31.0 mm 19.2 mm
Hours of Precipitation 5 2
Hours of Rain 5 2
Cloud Cover 100% 98%


Weather tomorrow| Bangladesh 2 August 2024

On Friday, August 2, during the day, the weather forecast predicts a high temperature of 28°C, with a RealFeel® of 34°C and a RealFeel Shade™ of 33°C. There will be periods of rain and a thunderstorm with a 97% probability of precipitation and a 53% chance of thunderstorms. The wind will be from the SSE at 9 km/h, gusting up to 26 km/h. The total precipitation is expected to be 22.3 mm, with 6.5 hours of rain and complete cloud cover.

At night, the low temperature will be 26°C, with a RealFeel® of 30°C. It will be cloudy with a thunderstorm in the area, having a 92% probability of precipitation and a 55% chance of thunderstorms. The wind will be from the SE at 9 km/h, gusting up to 26 km/h. The total precipitation will be 46.5 mm, with 4 hours of rain and complete cloud cover.

Combined Based Table-Weather tomorrow

Parameter Day (8/2) Night (8/2)
Temperature 28°C 26°C
RealFeel® 34°C 30°C
RealFeel Shade™ 33°C
Weather Periods of rain and a thunderstorm Cloudy with a thunderstorm in the area
Wind SSE 9 km/h SE 9 km/h
Wind Gusts 26 km/h 26 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 97% 92%
Probability of Thunderstorms 53% 55%
Precipitation 22.3 mm 46.5 mm
Rain 22.3 mm 46.5 mm
Hours of Precipitation 6.5 4
Hours of Rain 6.5 4
Cloud Cover 100% 100%

Weather tomorrow| Khulna

On August 2, expect cloudy skies with occasional morning rain and thunderstorms, and scattered thunderstorms in the afternoon. The high will be 28°C with a RealFeel® of 34°C. Winds will be from the south at 15 km/h, with gusts up to 39 km/h. There’s an 80% chance of precipitation and a 48% chance of thunderstorms. Total daytime precipitation will be 18.9 mm over 5 hours. At night, expect an evening thunderstorm with otherwise cloudy skies. The low will be 25°C with a RealFeel® of 30°C. Winds will be from the SSE at 13 km/h, with gusts up to 32 km/h. Precipitation is likely at 85%, with a 51% chance of thunderstorms, totaling 25.4 mm over 1.5 hours. Cloud cover will be 100% throughout.
Attribute Day (August 2) Night (August 2)
Temperature High: 28°C Low: 25°C
RealFeel® 34°C 30°C
RealFeel Shade™ 33°C
Condition Cloudy with morning rain and afternoon thunderstorms Evening thunderstorm with otherwise cloudy skies
Wind South at 15 km/h SSE at 13 km/h
Wind Gusts 39 km/h 32 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 80% 85%
Probability of Thunderstorms 48% 51%
Precipitation 18.9 mm 25.4 mm
Hours of Precipitation 5 1.5
Hours of Rain 5 1.5
Cloud Cover 100% 100%

Weather tomorrow| Bangladesh 1 August 2024

The weather will be cloudy on Thursday, August 1 with showers and thunderstorms. The high will be 30 °C (feels like 35°C). Winds will blow from the east-southeast at 17 km/h, gusting up to 37 km/h. There’s a 96% chance of rain, with thunderstorms likely at 46%. Expect 14.6 mm of rain over 6 hours, and complete cloud cover.

At night, the temperature will drop to 26°C (feels like 29°C) with cloudy skies, showers, and a thunderstorm. Winds from the southeast will reach 15 km/h, gusting up to 30 km/h. There’s a 97% chance of rain, with thunderstorms likely at 46%. Expect 19.4 mm of rain over 7 hours and complete cloud cover.Weather tomorrow

Weather tomorrow| Information Table


Parameter Daytime (8/1) Nighttime (8/1)
Temperature 30°C Hi 26°C Lo
RealFeel® 35°C 29°C
RealFeel Shade™ 35°C
Weather Description Cloudy with showers and thunderstorms Cloudy; a couple of showers and a thunderstorm in the evening followed by rain late
Max UV Index 3 Moderate
Wind Direction ESE SE
Wind Speed 17 km/h 15 km/h
Wind Gusts 37 km/h 30 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 96% 97%
Probability of Thunderstorms 46% 46%
Precipitation 14.6 mm 19.4 mm
Rain 14.6 mm 19.4 mm
Hours of Precipitation 6 7
Hours of Rain 6 7
Cloud Cover 100% 100%

Weather tomorrow| Bangladesh 31 July 2024

Weather Report for the Day

The day is expected to be cloudy with a couple of thunderstorms, especially late in the day. The temperature will reach a high of 33°C, with a RealFeel® of 38°C and a RealFeel Shade™ of 37°C.Weather tomorrow

The maximum UV index is moderate at 3. Winds will be blowing from the southeast at 15 km/h, with gusts reaching up to 35 km/h. There is a high probability of precipitation at 78%, and a 47% chance of thunderstorms. Total precipitation is forecasted to be 3.9 mm, with all of it expected to fall as rain over the course of 3 hours. Cloud cover will be nearly complete at 99%.Weather tomorrow


Information Table:  Weather tomorrow

Weather Element Details
Temperature 33°C Hi
RealFeel® 38°C
RealFeel Shade™ 37°C
Forecast Cloudy with a couple of thunderstorms, especially late in the day
Max UV Index 3 Moderate
Wind SE 15 km/h
Wind Gusts 35 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 78%
Probability of Thunderstorms 47%
Precipitation 3.9 mm
Rain 3.9 mm
Hours of Precipitation 3
Hours of Rain 3
Cloud Cover 99%

Night Weather Report

Tonight, the weather will be cloudy with a couple of showers expected late in the night. The temperature will drop to a low of 27°C, with a RealFeel® of 31°C.Weather tomorrow

Winds will be coming from the east-southeast at 13 km/h, with gusts up to 26 km/h. There is a 67% chance of precipitation and a 19% probability of thunderstorms. Total precipitation is forecasted to be 2.0 mm, all of which will be rain, occurring over 1.5 hours. The cloud cover will remain dense at 99%.Weather tomorrow

Information Table: Weather tomorrow

Weather Element Details
Temperature 27°C Lo
RealFeel® 31°C
Forecast Cloudy with a couple of showers late
Wind ESE 13 km/h
Wind Gusts 26 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 67%
Probability of Thunderstorms 19%
Precipitation 2.0 mm
Rain 2.0 mm
Hours of Precipitation 1.5
Hours of Rain 1.5
Cloud Cover 99%


Weather tomorrow| Bangladesh 30 July 2024

On Tuesday, July 30th, the weather forecast indicates a cloudy day with a high temperature of 32°C, though it will feel more like 39°C, and in the shade, the RealFeelTM will be around 37°C. There is a possibility of a thunderstorm in parts of the area, with a 40% chance of precipitation and a 24% chance of thunderstorms.Weather tomorrow

The forecast predicts 2.0 mm of rain, likely spread over 2 hours of rainfall. Winds will be coming from the southeast at 11 km/h, with gusts reaching up to 30 km/h. The cloud cover will be 100%, and the maximum UV index is expected to be 4, considered moderate.


Here’s the information  table: Weather tomorrow

Attribute Details
Day Tuesday
Date July 30
High Temp 32°C
RealFeel® 39°C
RealFeel Shade™ 37°C
Weather Cloudy with a thunderstorm

in parts of the area

Max UV Index 4 (Moderate)
Wind SE 11 km/h
Wind Gusts 30 km/h
Probability of Precipitation 40%
Probability of Thunderstorms 24%
Precipitation 2.0 mm
Rain 2.0 mm
Hours of Precipitation 2 hours
Hours of Rain 2 hours
Cloud Cover 100%

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